Air Dynamics HVAC

Air Blog

Looking to keep your home comfortable all year round? Our team of experts offers up the latest in HVAC technology, advice, and tips to keep your home comfortable and your equipment running smoothly. Check out our articles below for our take on current heating and air conditioning topics.


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The Air Dynamics Way: Honesty, Quality, & Home Efficiency

Air Dynamics has been keeping the homes of Northwest Arkansas residents comfortable since 1994. You remember 1994 – it’s that faraway land where the Hogs make annual trips to the Final Four, football fields are made of grass, and AOL charges for internet by the hour.

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Oversized HVAC Equipment: 5 Reasons Why It’s A Problem

As we’ve touched on in the past, the HVAC system has become a problem source for home efficiency, and oversized HVAC equipment is a problem with consequences that, perhaps, are not being adequately communicated. Here are five reasons why an oversized HVAC system is a problem.

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Air Conditioning in Northwest Arkansas

Before air conditioning, Northwest Arkansas towns had no chance of competing for national businesses. Just like the airports, roads, and educational institutions that made prosperity possible, air conditioning was a necessity for getting a seat at the national and international table.

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The 6 Biggest Mistakes That HVAC Contractors Make

Believe it or not, heating and air-conditioning contractors are not superheroes. Mistakes are made—and those mistakes often hurt performance and efficiency of the systems being installed and maintained. In most cases, those mistakes also hurt the customers.

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SEER Ratings: Make the Right Decision

Homeowners and contractors, alike, are generally confounded by the SEER acronym. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the SEER, the more energy efficient the air-conditioner. Ok, but how high is high enough? Let's take a look.

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The Low Bid Will Cost You More

If your heating and air conditioning goes to the low bidder, your system may not be installed, sized, or charged correctly. Your duct system may be a mess and your indoor blower may not be set to match the duct system and outdoor unit, thus, failing miserably at achieving efficiency.

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Why Has the Cost of R-22 Increased?

If “R-22” just sounds vaguely like a smallish robot from Star Wars, don’t worry—you’re in the vast majority. The U.S. government-enforced restrictions—and the ultimate phase out—of R-22 Freon probably isn’t on your radar, but it has been on ours for years.

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Load Calculations 101: Understanding the Basics

In HVAC terms, a “load” is how much heating or cooling a home needs based on many variables about your home's characteristics. Therefore, a load calculation is the process of determining the right-sized HVAC system that will most efficiently and effectively heat or cool your home.

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Choosing the Right Northwest Arkansas HVAC Company

It can be difficult to block out the noise—and ignore all of the billboards—when trying to choose the right HVAC company to service, repair, or replace your equipment. How do you know you’re making the right decision?

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How to Keep Cooling Costs Down During the Summer

Keeping cooling costs manageable during the dog days of summer can be a challenge and if your heating and cooling system wasn't designed and installed properly, you're going to be fighting an uphill battle. Here are a few tips to keep your checking account from feeling the heat.

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When Should You Schedule a Preseason?

The concept of a “preseason” can be misleading. The outdoor temperatures prior to the season may be outside the parameters needed to accurately check the refrigerant charge in your air-conditioner. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when scheduling your next preseason tune-up.

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Bargain Hunters: A Lesson from Proverbs

There’s nothing wrong with a good bargain. However, not every bargain is always a “good” bargain. A buyer haggles over the price, saying, “it’s worthless,” then brags about getting a bargain. “It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth”

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HVAC Maintenance Tip: Keep Equipment Clear

When it comes to HVAC maintenance, how you maintain the areas surrounding your equipment can be just as important as the maintenance of the actual systems. Follow these HVAC maintenance tips to protect your heating and cooling equipment.

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Humidity Levels: What Is Recommended For My Home?

When it comes to indoor humidity levels, everyone has their own preference for what feels most comfortable. Generally, a relative humidity level from 35-50% is optimal for comfort — not to mention preventing the growth of microorganisms.

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Bigger Isn't Better: All About Manual J

When you start talking to contractors, sometimes you might hear a lot of industry jargon that can seem kind of confusing. There is one piece of “jargon” that you should make sure you hear when contractors start talking about HVAC systems. If you are installing a replacement system, ma

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Buying a New Air Conditioner: 3 Reasons to Buy in the Fall

With temperatures dropping, your air conditioner is likely the last thing on your mind. What many don’t know is that fall is an ideal time to purchase a new air conditioning system. Below are a few advantages to buying a new air conditioner now instead of waiting until next summer.

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HVAC 101: The Basics

Your home’s HVAC system is essentially an expansive machine that consists of a ventilation system, a thermostat, and various devices that either heat or cool the air. Understanding the basics can be very helpful when trying to decide whether to repair or replace your unit.

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Energy Efficient HVAC? It’s More Than Just A Box

​Is your home energy efficient? Sure, you’ve got the energy efficient appliances. You’ve got the energy efficient light bulbs. You’ve even got green ethernet for crying out loud. But what about the single largest energy-user in the house? Your HVAC system.

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The R22 Phaseout: What You Should Know

​The phaseout of R22 will ultimately initiate the stoppage of production and importation of R22. There are several new factors this introduces (rising cost, replacements) that homeowners in Northwest Arkansas will have to consider in the future. What does this mean for you?

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2020 Residential & Commercial Tax Credit Reinstatements

​​With the recent signing of the funding bills, H.R.1865 and H.R.1158, the residential energy efficiency tax credit and Section 179D deductions for commercial buildings have been reinstated through 2020, after expiring in 2017. So, how do these reinstatements impact you?

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The Basement Bidder

“You get what you pay for,” right? It’s true for vehicles, appliances, and fishing poles – and it’s also true for heating & air-conditioning systems. The work of that basement bidder will need to be repaired and/or replaced in embarrassingly short order, and that’s where we come in.

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We take great pride in being there when you need us and solving your problems as quickly as possible. Give us a call and we’ll have you living comfortably in no time.


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